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Historicism is loyal to, though not sponsored by, the Seventh-day Adventist church.
As of 09/14/10 all papers from the original Historicism print publication have been posted.

Back Page

Below is a listing of material that appeared on the inside back cover of Historicism from 1985 through 1991. Please note that for numbers 6-8, 12-13, 20-21, and 25-27 something appeared on the back page, but normally it was blank. Thus grayed out links below do not indicate missing material.

No. 1/Jan 85 No. 15/Jul 88
No. 2/Apr 85 No. 16/Oct 88
No. 3/Jul 85 No. 17/Jan 89
No. 4/Oct 85 No. 18/Apr 89
No. 5/Jan 86 No. 19/Jul 89
No. 6/Apr 86 No. 20/Oct 89
No. 7/Jul 86 No. 21/Jan 90
No. 8/Oct 86 No. 22/Apr 90
No. 9/Jan 87 No. 23/Jul 90
No. 10/Apr 87 No. 24/Oct 90
No. 11/Jul 87 No. 25/Jan 91
No. 12/Oct 87 No. 26/Apr 91
No. 13/Jan 88 No. 27/Jul 91
No. 14/Apr 88 No. 28/Oct 91