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Historicism is loyal to, though not sponsored by, the Seventh-day Adventist church.
As of 09/14/10 all papers from the original Historicism print publication have been posted.

By Topic: Practical Godliness
Bible Study and Sanctification (No. 25/Jan 91)
Is The Judgment Inimical to the Gospel? (No. 26/Apr 91)
More on Christian Perfection (No. 23/Oct 90)
On the Connection Between Theory and Practice (No. 27/Jul 91)
On the Nature of Holiness (No. 27/Jul 91)
On the Relationship Between Praise and Works (No. 28/Oct 91)
Paul's Offering "for the Poor Among the Saints in Jerusalem" (No. 28/Oct 91)
Temptation (No. 21/Jan 90)
The Perseverance of the Saints (No. 27/Jul 91)
The Ten Commandments, Part 3: Christian Perfection (No. 11/Jul 87)
-     Appendix 1: Definitions of Terms
-     Appendix 2: An Illustration
Two Brief Notes (No. 12/Oct 87)